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Spring is here and so are new colorful designs

I'm feeling spring in the air and have been working on lots of new creations, a few of which I have loaded in my Jewelry Designs and Bracelet Galleries. The two button bracelet styles were inspired by Stephanie Sersich's new book, "Designing Jewelry with Glass Beads." The double clasp bracelet is one of her projects. I've made glass button bracelets before, but I had some very pretty glass buttons I had been waiting to use on just the right project, and two buttons is so much more interesting than one!

I've also been making some greek leather bracelets with silver and glass beads, a design I came up with where the strap plays off the colors in the beads. They are very colorful and lightweight bracelets! I've started making some with simple magnetic clasps for easy wearing.

Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 02:05PM by Registered CommenterMaura Garvey | CommentsPost a Comment

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