The inspiration for my jewelry designs is the wonderful seaside community where I live and view the bay in a peaceful and serene setting. I look out on a part of the bay called “The Nook.” I often name my jewelry styles and pieces after this beachside environment. I’ve always had an affinity for “fun” jewelry ever since my older sister gave me some wonderful pieces she found in Chicago. I like to wear jewelry that catches the eye and bursts with personality because it is fun and unique. What I like about glass jewelry is that its affordable and can accompany any outfit.
One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is the Spiny Knotted Bracelet. I learned this bracelet technique from artist Stephanie Sersich. It is a very time consuming process that involves binding handmade glass beads and other “treasures” on waxed linen and pearl cotton. Anyone who uses this technique brings their own personality and sense of style to the design. Each artist will create a different bracelet from the same bowl of beads . . . how exciting! This is why I name each bracelet. Some people see these bracelets and think they are for special occasions, but I say “if it goes with the outfit, wear it, enjoy it!” If you don’t, it’s like putting the good china away for special occasions and never getting a chance to enjoy it’s beauty. I use my Waterford all the time.